The defense calls Donald Rumsfeld! That, in a nutshell, explains the very rapid execution of Saddam Hussein.
Saddam Hussein was called Hitler, mass murderer, barbarian; and the US government and mainstream media convinced the American people he was the devil incarnate, and rapid execution was only fitting. Curiously however, for all his alleged horrific crimes against humanity and mass murder, he was tried and executed for killing 148 people who participated in a coup to overthrow and kill him. Mainstream media neglects to inform us that according to Hussein’s defense, the 148 were tried for treason, found guilty, and executed. Certainly one could question the nature of the trial given to the 148, and find sufficient reason to question their execution, just as one could easily challenge the nature of the trial offered to Hussein. His trial was paid for by the US, judges were brought to the US for “training”, the court room was paid for by the US taxpayer, the salaries of judges were paid for by the US, lawyers were assassinated, judges resigned, witnesses were hidden and their identities unknown, and having been found guilty was summarily executed within days.
Certainly it is not this writer's intent to defend Saddam Hussein, but it is interesting to use his case to explore the nature of "justice" and "hypocracy". As an abstract concept, the nature of “justice” is debatable, and one merely looks back at Waco, Texas where Janet Reno presided over the execution of 90 of our own citizens, most of whom were women and children completely innocent of any criminal activity. Not only were the innocent victims denied any kind of trial, they were gassed with poison, and then incinerated. How does this incident compare or differ from the accusation and hanging of Hussein? Another alleged assassination took place in Kuwait in April 1993 when an alleged attempt to assassinate George Bush Sr. was foiled. Without a trial, without accusing or arresting anyone, the new President, Clinton, launched 23 Tomahawk missiles into Iraq killing innocent people, including one of Iraq’s most gifted artists. Despite the fact the assassination allegedly took place in Kuwait, and its accuracy has been challenged by distinguished writers like Seymour Hersh, the retaliation by the US took innocent lives in Iraq. Was this an exercise in “justice”, and was anyone held accountable, tried, or hanged, for these deaths?
Saddam Hussein was not put on trial for the horrific accusations hurled at him by mainstream media and the US government. Did he really gas the Kurds as charged by the US? Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your point of view, his hanging prevented any answering of such questions. Perhaps that explains the rapid execution of Hussein for an insignificant crime (relatively speaking). Certainly his defenders would have called Donald Rumsfeld to the stand to explain the infamous photo of Rumsfeld embracing Hussein. Defense lawyers would have asked pertinent questions such as how did Hussein acquire the poison gas, and what role did the US government play in supplying him with either the gasses or the means to manufacture the gases? One can only imagine how Mr. Rumsfeld would answer the following additional questions put to him by defense lawyers. Mr. Rumsfeld, please explain to the court what your mission was when you visited Mr. Hussein and shook his hand representing the US government in 1983? Mr. Rumsfeld were you aware that Saddam Hussein was supplied by the US with virus cultures and a billion dollar contract to build a chemical facility to produce mustard gas, after the alleged “gassing of the Kurds”? Mr. Rumsfeld, are you aware of any chemical or biological substances, devices, or knowledge of how to produce such materials, being transferred by the US, or agents of the US, or by American businesses to Iraq and Saddam Hussein, prior to, or after the alleged “gassing of the Kurds? Mr. Rumsfeld, are you aware of a Pentagon investigation of the “gassing of the Kurds” in 1990, in which they concluded: “we find it impossible to confirm the State Department’s claim that gas was used in this instance.”? Mr. Rumsfeld; was the Pentagon study lying when it found no evidence to confirm that gas was used on the Kurds, or was the US government lying when it insisted he did use poison gas on the Kurds?
Certainly it would be embarrassing ( to say the least) to have Hussein’s legal staff accusing the US of being an “accomplice” to war crimes and asking why the US should not be put on trial for being an “accessory to mass murder” and “crimes against humanity”? The rapid hanging insured such matters will never be discussed.