Mainstream Media’s Propaganda War on Syria and Russia: What You Really Need to Know.
Contemplate a war with
a nation that has 7000 thermonuclear weapons.
If you rely on mainstream corporate media (MSM) as your news
source, you are totally in the dark on issues such as Syria and Russia, because
MSM has lost its way, and now serves as a mouthpiece for government positions. It
is a neocon controlled propaganda machine, and its role has been reduced to
that of a parrot.
That said, if you dig deeper and use reputable sources, you
get a dramatically different perspective. Do you know why the Syrian cease fire
between Russia and the US failed? It failed for two reasons: First, the deal
required the US to separate the jihadists from the “moderates”, and tell the
Russians who the “moderates” are, and where are they are, so Russia could continue
to pound ISIS and not bomb “moderates”.
The Russians, as well as everyone else, save for MSM know full well,
there are no “moderates”, and ultimately the US refused to separate the
moderates from the jihadists because it is impossible. MSM does not tell you the main objective of
the US and its neocon drivers, has, all along, been the overthrow of Assad by any
means, including using jihadist child beheaders to further their goal. We have not conducted a serious war on the “terrorists”,
but in many cases we have armed them and assisted them in different ways, such
as “accidentally” dropping them arms and supplies. The second reason for the
failure of the cease fire was the US attack on the Syrian military base which
killed 83 Syrian soldiers allowing Jihadist terrorists to immediately overrun
that base. This, in the eyes of many, was no “accident”, for the battle lines
at that camp had been unchanged for over one year. US drones circled the area daily, and the US
uses sophisticated guidance assisted bombs that can be exactingly precise. This was not another of the many “accidental “bombings.
An excuse the US has hidden behind on many occasions. It appears this was
intentional. Either Obama knew of this, or he was defied and overruled by
someone who gave the order to bomb the base, as a way of sabotaging the “cease
fire”. It is common knowledge, not in MSM,
but in informed circles, that there are those pushing hard to create an
escalation of events with Russia, and using any means possible to overthrow
The neocons, and war party leaders like Clinton, are calling
for a no fly zone. But MSM did not report the ominous warnings of General
Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who appeared before Congress
and was asked about the possibility of a no fly zone. His tone was ominous as
he said: “For now, for us to control all the airspace in Syria would require us
to go to war with Syria and Russia,”
“That’s a pretty fundamental decision that certainly I’m not going to make.”
Contemplate a war with a nation that has 7000 thermonuclear
weapons. No one in their right mind would want this, yet if you read reliable
sources, you see just how close we are to this holocaust. MSM, is of course, completely
silent on the impending catastrophe while discussing the latest in the
Kardashian family and name calling between Clinton and Trump.
Basic questions never asked by MSM, need answers. What gives
the US the right to decide who should rule or not rule Syria? (Hint -None.) What
legal right does the US have to bomb Syria? (Hint-None.) Russia, on the other
hand, was the only power invited by the government of Syria to help fight ISIS.
Dr Nabil Antaki, a doctor based in the Syrian government
held western sectors of Aleppo said in a recent interview: “From our perspective the Russian intervention
was extremely beneficial and they have the full support of the Syrian people
which contradicts the western narrative. The west accuses Russia of targeting
not only the terrorist groups but also the “moderate rebels”. Russia has been
very successful in bombing the Islamic State groups so the West is trying to
slow their progress by claiming they are targeting the non-terrorist groups and
accusing Russia of aiding Bashar instead of targeting DAESH.”
If Assad is the devil incarnate, as preached by MSM, how
does MSM or the US government, now one in the same, justify the following?
A British poll, done by ORB International,
finds that 82% of Syrians blame the U.S. for ISIS.
2012, a poll showed 55 percent of Syrians wanted their President to stay.
Internal NATO study (dated June 2013), shows
70% of Syrians support President Bashar al-Assad
2014, Assad won a landslide victory (88%) in the country’s first multi-party
Presidential election.
poll in July 2015, showed 47% of Syrians thought Assad had a positive influence
on matters in Syria.
only 9% of the US public has any confidence in our own US Congress, and both
Clinton and Trump are more distrusted by the US public, than Assad is by
the neocon effort to overthrow Assad is successful, then what? Does Syria
become another Iraq or Libya, another land of anarchy? Is it coincidental that
anarchy follows US interference?
You have not been told Aleppo is divided
into two parts, western Aleppo, (1.75 million) is controlled by the Syrian
government, but East Aleppo (250,000) is controlled by “terrorists”? Thousands
of East Aleppo residents fled to West Aleppo seeking protection of the Syrian
government. Russia is bombing East Aleppo. If the Syrian government can take
East Aleppo it will pretty much signal the end of the terrorist invasion of Syria,
and Assad will remain in power, which is anathema to the neocons. So a Syrian and Russian victory over the terrorists
and jihadists would be a defeat for those in the US who want the end of Assad. Since
East Aleppo is the stronghold of Al Nusra, formerly called Al-Qaida, why would
the US introduce a resolution to prevent Russians and Syrians from bombing the
terrorist stronghold? Russia vetoed the UN resolution and argued the US is
trying to protect the terrorist stronghold from Russian and Syrian bombs.
What is the US doing in Syria anyway? What
legal right does the US have to be in Syria? What did we do in Iraq? What did
we do in Libya? One might suspect we are the instrument of anarchy in the
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