The Policy Critic

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The warmongers want another war, and its close.

The same forces that dragged us into a war with Iraq resulting in over one million deaths are now hard at work desperately trying to immerse the US in yet another catastrophic war, this time with Iran, and tragically they are having great success, for we are getting ever closer to the impending war. Iran has been a peaceful nation for most of its history and has done nothing to deserve the wrath of the US, but wrath it is getting. Since 1979 when the Iranian hostage crises occurred to the present day, the US has officially communicated with Iran for a total of 45 minutes over the past 30 years. Most Americans do not realize the hostage crises occurred because of the CIA‘s first overthrow of popular elected government. Mohammed Mossadegh a reformer who was democratically elected by the Iranians, was not liked by the US and Great Britain because he wanted to nationalize Iran’s oil rather than have it be exploited by British oil companies. The CIA, not only had a hand in his overthrow, they boasted of their success in Iran and for the next 20 years the Shah of Iran ruled with an iron fist and squelched any opposition with his brutal CIA trained and funded secret police, Savak. When the Shah was overthrown by the Iranians they rejoiced at his ouster and blamed the US for the installation and maintenance of the Shah and his brutality. The hostage crises was blow-back from the CIA’s role in bringing about a coup in Iran by overthrowing the democratically elected very popular leader Mossadegh, and installing the infamous dictator the Shah of Iran. Taking of American hostages was the Iranian way of showing their anti American sentiment for fostering, promoting, and protecting a dictator in their nation. They saw their whole nation as having been held hostage under the Shah with much assistance from the US.

It goes without saying that the surest way to war is to have no communication with your adversary, for without communication, there is no dialogue and no possible way to resolve any differences. Such a situation can easily be seen within individual family. When two parents argue, the surest path to family disintegration occurs when there is no communication. When parent and child argue, the surest way to destroy the relationship between parent and child is to have no communication. Without communication there cannot be reconciliation, either within a family or between two nations. Recently the forces in Congress thirsting for war enacted a law that prohibits any kind of communication between the nation of Iran and the US. That kind of legislation is insanity but it does help bring about war, which is the primary goal of certain forces within Congress and within the US.

The warmongers tried to convince the world that Iran was a nuclear threat by claiming Iran was attempting to produce a nuclear weapon. Iran is the most inspected, monitored nation on earth, with electronic surveillance of its nuclear facilities and many eyes on the ground trying to discover any attempt by Iran to divert nuclear fuel to a nuclear weapons program, and despite all the surveillance, not one shred of proof can be offered that Iran is doing anything to divert fuel to a weapons program.
It appears that pro war forces have now realized they cannot produce any smoking nuclear gun, for there is none. In helping to bring about the war against Iraq, the warmongers tried desperately to create the big lie which they eventually did, that Iraq had WMD. They used every kind of media trick in the book to hoodwink the US public into believing war against Iraq was necessary for US survival. They even resorted to forgery by producing the so called Niger documents, which was an amateurish attempt to produce fake documents indicating Iraq was trying to procure enriched uranium. This accusation, based on forged papers was dismissed quickly by International Atomic Energy Agency as fraudulent. They saw through the scheme in about 15 minutes, but the ceaseless effort by the warmongers won out. It is curious that the US government made no attempt to expose or prosecute those responsible for the forgery, but perhaps it is because they knew full well who was responsible. The US never investigated because they knew who did it, and to expose the perpetrators would prove politically embarrassing to say the least.
Recently Congress enacted a law which makes it illegal for anyone to do business with the Bank of Iran and since all transactions go through that Bank, this is an attempt by Congress to destroy the economy of Iran. This legislation in effect is a declaration of war against Iran and can be likened to the attempt by the US to cut off Japan’s sources of oil just prior to WW II. Just as Japan had to resist or die economically, so to must Iran act, which is just what the war party wants. Let Iran start the war by us provoking them to the extent they must do something to save themselves, and presto, we have our pretext for war. Works every time!

World War II scholars have now proven the US not only knew that Japan was going to attack Pearl Harbor, but that the US wanted this attack. The overwhelming majority of Americans wanted Roosevelt to avoid war and only a 9/11 type incident would convince the US public of the need to fight Japan. Robert Stinnett in his recent book A Day of Deceit has proven with great pains and documentation that the US had employed an 8 step program that would ultimately force Japan into a war with the US. Japan was deliberately backed into a corner, and when the US attempted to shut off the oil supply to one of the world’s most industrialized nations in the world, they had to fight back of die. It appears that history is repeating itself with regard to Iran. Congress following the orders of the war party has passed countless sanctions and naively passed legislation backing Iran into a corner with the ultimate goal of forcing Iran to defend itself, thus causing some Tonkin Gulf like incident, which we can then use to get our war. It really is a shame the American public does not pay much attention to the events of the day. Who are the warmongers and who benefits from war?

Saturday, December 03, 2011

We Need a War on the Enemy with WMD--- Corporate Media

The power of corporate media never ceases to amaze, while the blind willingness of the public to be lead by that media, is equally mind boggling. Do we ever learn? Did we not blindly follow corporate media’s charge to war in Iraq without asking any questions? Neither media, nor the public, ever challenged anything, despite the fact there were many voices insisting there was no WMD evidence. One might think after following the media to an unnecessary war resulting in over one million dead, we might pause and challenge any future corporate media assertions, but apparently not for history is repeating itself.

Corporate media is once again leading the charge for several wars; the most immediate being Iran, even though there isn’t the slightest bit of proof that Iran is doing anything wrong. Let’s not have the facts get in the way of the hysteria for war. Media has convinced us that in addition to Iran, Pakistan is now our enemy because they are refusing to participate in our war in Afghanistan, and for some peculiar reason Pakistanis object to our killing their soldiers, women, and children, with drones. Some suggest an attack on Pakistan might be needed to capture their nuclear weapons, and once again we quietly accept this nonsense. Because Russia has strongly objected to being completely encircled by US missile bases and has protested, media convinces the public that the Russians are at fault. China is now being depicted as an enemy because their economy is strong and ours is weak, and they are willing to buy oil from nations rather than fight for it. We have wasted trillions trying to subjugate countries and get control of their oil, while China has simply purchased it at fair market value. So we have Iran in the cross-hairs, Russia and China the war horizon, while direct and covert wars by the US escalate in the nations of Africa, and the public cannot see that foreign policy is being driven by insane people being cheered on by corporate media.

Closer to home corporate media has convinced the US public that the Occupy Movement is a bad thing, despite the fact that the great majority would agree with the Occupiers in saying the public has little or no say in government, the financial interests have way too much power, powerful special interests have long since bought Congress, and we cannot undo all this because elections are now controlled by the moneyed interests of the nation with the people having no voice. The Occupy folks are bringing to the public’s attention all that the public has been saying to themselves for years, yet the media has convinced an unknowing public that the Occupy movement is a bad thing. Corporate media cheered those in Egypt who resisted their police state and Occupied Tahrir square, they rejoiced over the struggle to win transparency, end the dominance of the military, and cheered as Egyptians fought for social justice, while at the same time taking a condescending tone towards the Occupy folks who were calling for the same reforms as Egyptians. There was little outrage by the media when police used tear gas, pepper spray, and beatings, to deny folks their First Amendment rights at home, while calling for the end to the brutality in Egypt.

The congress of the US is a country club controlled by millionaires who sacrifice the public’s interest to protect their own. Candidates who speak out against war and financial dominance by the major institutions are silenced by media, who simply give them no coverage. On rare occasion such a candidate is allowed into a debate, but is not allowed to speak, relegating them to that of a silent partner in TV debates i.e. Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. A favorite tactic of corporate media is to vilify candidates whose ideas are considered threatening by tagging them with such terms as “extremist” or “inconsequential”.

We are witnessing the demise of the Constitution, for we now have a President who can make war on any nation with no Declaration of war by Congress as provided by the Constitution, and who has won the right to assassinate American citizens without trial, proof, evidence, or any of the Fifth Amendment guarantees. The President unilaterally decides who should die, gives the order, and it’s done. Media, who was once described as the fifth estate, says nothing, which explains why most Americans are not even aware the President has claimed this right.
This week US Senate passed a measure that allows the military to take anyone, including you, or any other US citizen designated as a “terrorist”, to Guantanamo without a trial, indictment, access to legal assistance, and be subjected to who knows what. Corporate media paid little attention, and their continuing deafening silence will continue in the coming weeks.

Media has been able to convince the public that the real enemies are greedy school teachers, municipal and state workers, while looking the other way and refusing to focus on the exorbitant and obscene bonus’ and salaries being doled out to corporate leaders and banking institutions with taxpayer money. We focus on the poor immigrant as one of the major culprits because we are told they might steal a few pennies from the system, while we see nothing wrong with illegally taking trillions from taxpayer’s pockets, and transferring the wealth to the banking institutions. We live in a bizarre world, led by a bizarre corporate media, and a population who has proven themselves to be sheep like.

We no longer have the First Amendment, Fifth Amendment, Fourteenth Amendment, and the President has the right to assassinate US citizens, or send them to Guantanamo forever, as “terrorists”. We are on the verge of another totally unnecessary war, this time with Iran, and we have bitter enemies in Pakistan and Russia. We have the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world from the taxpayer to the financial interests, we have depression-like unemployment figures, we have 50 million people with no health care coverage, we have mortgages being foreclose at depression rates, we have homeless veterans sleeping on sidewalks, yet we have been lead to believe the enemies and culprits are school teachers, state and municipal workers, the Occupy Movement, the Tea Party, and poor immigrants. Thankfully we have realty TV shows to divert the American public’s attention from the real issues of the day.

Corporate media can easily fool most of the people all of the time.