The Policy Critic

Monday, February 12, 2007

Let Democracy End the War in Iraq

President Bush’s budget calls for an additional $250 billion to finance the quagmire in Iraq, which translates to $800 for every man, woman, and child in the country. The additional $250 billion will bring the cost of the Iraq war to a mind defying $700 billion. Despite the fact that every expert in the world has told him his latest escalation is doomed, the president insists on pushing on with his plan, and now is requesting the funding to implement his policy. Congress meanwhile, demonstrates that it is completely out of touch with the voters and their wishes, as displayed in the most recent election. Much has been said about a meaningless political gesture of debating a worthless non-binding resolution of opposition to escalation. Save for individuals like Russ Feingold, Dennis Kucinich, and Ron Paul, there are few profiles in courage in the Congress, as evidenced by the titanic struggle to take a stand on a non-binding resolution. Since both the Congress and the President are defying the will of the people, a unique solution is needed. Woodrow Wilson once said: “All the evils of Democracy can be cured by more democracy”, and believing this to be true, consider the following unique solution.

Let the people decide! The President needs an additional $800 per person to finance his war, so those who support the escalation can voluntarily donate his/her $800, and those who do not support escalation can keep their $800. As Congress is too cowardly to reflect the will of the people, and the President simply defies the will of the people, let the people speak and vote with their own money. The President has talked considerably about bringing democracy to the rest of the world, so let us demonstrate the merits of pure democracy. Since Bush is starting wars to “promote democracy”, why don’t we let democracy end a war?
This war will end tomorrow.