The Policy Critic

Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Another Bombed Hospital, Another day in the Empire.

Imagine the horror, tears, lament, and rage, if a hospital was bombed by terrorists in an American city killing doctors, children, and patients, some who were burned to death in their beds because they were unable to move?  Many innocent people living in foreign nations would die when we took revenge for that act of terrorism. We would not care who, but some nation, or nations, would be accused of the bombing, with or without proof, and retribution probably would be in the millions of deaths.  Look what we did after 9/11.  No one to this day knows who did it, but we know who financed it by deciphering the 28 pages of the 9/11 report you were not allowed to read.  Former Senator Bob Graham, who was a part of that investigation, strongly suggested it was our very good friend, Saudi Arabia. In any case, 14 years after 9/11 we are bombing hospitals in Afghanistan and millions have died in bombings and invasions by the US since 9/11, and we still do not know what country if any, was responsible for the bombing.   The terrorists who destroyed the WTC might argue that the many deaths were “collateral damage”, as the intended target was the CIA office in the WTC. Why wouldn’t that defense work? It just worked for the US, who bombed a hospital staffed by Doctors Without Borders in Kunduz Afghanistan, a city of 3000,000.  Yup, we did that, bombed a hospital.  Then claimed we didn’t, then claimed there were Taliban fighters in the hospital, then claimed it was “collateral damage”, then claimed it was “a mistake”, but, not to worry, the US military will investigate the incident. Allowing the US military to “investigate” the hospital bombing by the US military, is as stupid as allowing the police to investigate a deadly shooting by one of their own. 

Was this an accident?  Hardly; the hospital had given their exact GPS co-ordinates to all the warring factions on numerous occasions, so the US knew full well they were bombing a hospital. Not only did we bomb it, but continued to do so for one half hour after we knew it was a hospital. So why was this done? Because that is what we do; we bomb hospitals!  Is this the first?  Hardly!  We have bombed many hospitals in many different countries.  This is not the first hospital to be bombed in Afghanistan, and we have repeatedly bombed hospitals in Iraq including a children’s hospital in western Iraq, and a maternity hospital. Is it legal to bomb a hospital?  Of course not; Article 18 of the Geneva Convention protects hospitals, but the rules of war are not for us, they are for countries like Russia or China or any other country we don’t like.  We are the best in the world, we are the Empire, we are above all law; we are the law!

In addition, we just love to bomb wedding parties.  It is hard to keep track, but at last count we have bombed 8 wedding parties in Afghanistan, and now this past week we must be held responsible for the bombing of yet another wedding party in Yemen, because we supply all the targeting information to our friends the Saudis.  The Yemeni wedding killed about 131 innocents, but who cares; they are not like us; they are only Yemenis, so bombs away.  Imagine the horror if a “terrorist” detonated a bomb in an American wedding, killing all the participants?  Remember the Boston Marathon bombing? Are the 3 lives, lost in the Boston Marathon bombing, any more or less valuable than the 131 in Yemen? Laws that provide protection for innocents do not apply to the Empire; they are just for the countries we don’ t like. 

Torture is another great example. We water bordered and no one was held accountable or imprisoned, but when Japanese water boarded US prisoners in WWII, they were found guilty of torture and sentenced to 25 years, but then again those laws are not for us, just nations we don’t like.  The Empire is above the law; the Empire is the law!

Corporate media failed to point out that Obama lectured Russia against killing innocents in Syria, and days later bombed a hospital, but not a whisper of the deadly irony by corporate media. To add insult to injury and death, Obama would not apologize to the families of those injured, killed, or mangled, in the hospital bombing.

We have no moral compass, we justify everything, and anything, no matter how horrific, is shrugged off as though the only lives that count are American lives. We torture, we illegally attack nations for no reason, we bomb hospitals, we destroy nations, we bomb wedding parties, we have secret assassination programs, we have killed thousands by our illegal bombings, yet anything done to us requires the sacrifice of millions, regardless of who did what to us. The Empire can do no wrong for it is above the law; the Empire is the law! Might makes right!

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Is Putin Right?

If you listened or watched Putin of late, you can see he may well be right, and we may well be wrong about Syria.  Yes, he backed Assad, and has done so since the Civil War began 4 years ago, but his rational for doing so is interesting. He argues that if Assad falls, Syria will descend into utter chaos, and in the end there will be no one to fight or stop the growth of ISIS like groups in Syria.  Chaos, he argues, is a breeding ground for extremist terrorist groups like ISIS. He lectured Charlie Rose, by reviewing the US adventure and absolute disaster in Iraq, but poor Charlie didn’t get it. Putin reviewed the history of the US relationship with Saddam Hussein, reminding us that at one time Hussein was our friend, but for some reason we turned on him and decided he had to be overthrown.  Not only did we overthrow and kill Saddam Hussein, but the entire Iraqi government was instantly disbanded by the US.  All government offices were closed, and all government personnel were thrown out of their positions into the streets. There was no one to govern or preserve order.  At the same time the US ordered the Iraqi army of 400,000 to disband, so they too went home with their military weapons, but unemployed and with no government in existence.  The entire infrastructure of the nation had been destroyed by US bombs, then we tore down the government, dissolved the army and law, and threw everyone into the streets with guns but no jobs, and no one to maintain order.  Gee I wonder what would happen?? No one could have planned a better way to insure anarchy.  Give us credit; if anarchy was the goal, we planned and executed it to perfection. Do you really believe the architects of US foreign policy are that stupid? This was done by design.

Mr Putin also pointed out that Hillary Clinton’s 77-day bombing excursion in Libya accomplished the same thing.  For those who might not know, it was Hillary the Hawk, who almost all by herself orchestrated the US bombing campaign directed at Libya.  She battled those in the administration who saw this as dangerous and foolish and prevailed; she got her war and insured anarchy in Libya which is now a failed state, characterized by chaos, and it is also a breeding ground for extremist terrorist groups.

So Putin’s logic is that a nation without any form of government will be a failed state characterized by anarchy, chaos, death, and a rapid rise of terrorism.  Make sense?  Why of course it does; it is not rocket science, it is just common sense. He backs Assad, because without Assad, Syria becomes another Iraq or Libya. Assad might not be the best, but he is the only game in town and has managed to maintain some semblance of control over his nation, but if he falls, and the entire structure of his government falls as well, look to Iraq to see what will happen.  Do we want another Iraq in Syria?  It appears we do.  If you look at the footprint of the US in the Middle East, anarchy appears to be the goal, for that is the result of our involvement as evidenced by the sheer disaster in Iraq and Libya, and soon that same anarchy will prevail in Afghanistan, Yemen, and possibly spread to Pakistan. The US has adopted a policy of “creative chaos”, while Putin appears to have the more rational and logical argument. The US is outraged that Russia is now involved in the bombing of Syria.  The US has bombed 14 nations in the Middle East, and is insulted that Russia has joined one bombing party because we want Syria to be our exclusive playground.  Already the Russians interfered and foiled our previous desire to bomb Syria, by getting Assad to rid his nation of all chemical weapons. Additionally, in 2012, Russia had apparently brokered diplomatically, some kind of deal that would have Assad either stepping aside or sharing power, but the US snubbed the plan. Certainly Putin is no angel and has his own agenda. He knows full well that anarchy in Syria will ultimately mean many more terrorists, and many of those will return to places like Chechnya and attack Russia, but at least he has some logic and foresight to anticipate the results of yet another failed state at the hands of the US.
Why can’t those Russians just get out and leave us to our “playground”? Shame on them, always using diplomacy to attempt to resolve things peacefully and stop us from bombing people.