Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The President's "nightmare scenario"

President Bush in his State of the Union address pushed again for his war plan in Iraq, saying we must avoid the “nightmare scenario” of defeat. Since the US began to focus on Iraq the following have resulted:

Over one million innocent people were killed by brutal UN sanctions, inspired and demanded by the US, and while the world begged to remove the killer sanctions, the US insisted they be maintained.
About 700,000 of those who died were innocent children.
The US invaded Iraq and killed an estimated 250,000 under George Bush Sr.
For the next 10 years the US and Britain bombed Iraq on a daily basis.
Clinton launched 23 Tomahawk missiles on Iraq in 1993.
The US invaded Iraq for the second time in 2003.
The US has killed 765,000 Iraqi citizens since the 2003 invasion.
The nation of Iraq has been reduced to rubble.
The infrastructure of Iraq has been completely destroyed.
The birthplace of civilization has been reduced to anarchy.
Two million Iraqis have fled their country due to the US invasion.
Over 100,000 flee their nation each month.
750,000 Christians have fled Iraq.
1.7 million people in Iraq have lost their homes.
Iraq was a nation of about 20 million.
Since our involvement we have reduced their population by about 5 million people.

The president says if we leave, there will be a “nightmare scenario”.


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