The Policy Critic

Tuesday, May 02, 2017

What Corporate Media Never Tells You About North Korea.

There is a great deal of propaganda and deliberate misinformation about North Korea, which the public should know. While neocons, a cheering corporate media, and Deep State, rush to war with North Korea, information is the ultimate weapon. For example, did you know that North Korea, China, and India, are the only three nations who have committed to a “no nuclear first” policy. They have pledged never to use nuclear weapons “first”, but of course reserve the right to use them if attacked.  How many times has the US threatened to use nuclear weapons against North Korea? Do you know that North Korea has repeatedly asked the US to engage in bi-lateral talks, to cool off the ever-escalating tension? The offer was flatly rejected by both Obama and Trump. Can you resolve differences within your family without dialog? No dialogue, no peace. Why won’t the US talk to North Korea?? The neocons, Deep State, and media argument, insist Kim Jung-un is irrational, and therefore you cannot negotiate with him. A look back at recent history illustrates the US and its complicit media demonize anyone we do not like, and the demonizing usually ends up with a war. Manuel Noriega in Panama, Saddam Hussein in Iraq, Libya’s Quaddaffi, and Syria’s Assad, serve as recent examples. But the demonizing of Kim Jung -un continues as we move towards another war, and once again the public buys into the myth. There are no western reporters allowed in North Korea, and since North Korea is a virtual closed society, one must wonder who knows what Kim Jung- ur really is like? On the other hand, some might suggest we have a very irrational leader in this country. This attitude of demonizing is akin to the Taliban’s offer to turn over Osama Bin Laden so many years ago, and the US, then under Bush, flatly rejected the Taliban offer saying we don’t talk to such people. Sixteen years later we are still at war in Afghanistan. War is the result of failed diplomacy, or the absence of diplomacy. Perhaps we did not want diplomacy, perhaps we don’t want diplomacy now.

Do you know North Korea has agreed to suspend its nuclear testing if the US agreed to end the annual war games along the border of North Korea? You may not know the US conducts war games that simulate the overthrow of the North Korean government, and this year there were almost 400,000 soldiers participating. Did you know that?? Did you know, the games had “decapitation “ drills, and were designed to simulate the attack and overthrow of North Korea? Do you know the Korean War has never officially ended because there was no formal truce signed? This is one of North Korea demands. A final treaty to end the Korean War was never signed, because if there was a treaty, the US would have no legal basis for the occupation of South Korea with our many military bases. Do you know in 1993 the US announced it was re-targeting hydrogen bombs from the old USSR to North Korea? Do you know George Bush called the leader of North Korea a “pygmy”, and said he wanted to “topple his regime”? Do you know Bush also prepared a policy of “preemptive” attack, and referred to North Korea as a member of the “axis of evil”? It was shortly thereafter that North Korea left the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, and threw out of the country all inspectors. Neocons, Deep State, and the corporate media, argue North Korea is a threat to the US, and just days ago Trump said they were a “threat to the world”? That is asinine, as Trump’s increase of 54 billion, is 11 times greater than the entire North Korean military budget. To suggest North Korea is a “threat to the US” or the “world” is either stupidity, or an outright lie, and yet a CNN poll shows 37% of the US public believes North Korea is a threat to the US. Who says propaganda isn’t effective? Do you know the recent leader of South Korea was impeached for corruption, and there is a pending election to decide on new leadership? The opposition party wants the US out of South Korea, and wants the THAD missile system just installed by the US, out.

Theresa May, in Great Britain, shocked many recently, when she announced she would be willing to use nuclear weapons in a “first strike”? Why have we not declared war on Britain, as Theresa May is apparently a bit “irrational”? Experts suggest North Korea has perhaps 8 nuclear weapons, but has no effective delivery system. The US has 7,000, of which many, one would assume, are on the “armada” off North Korea. North Korea has not invaded or attacked any nation since the end of the Korean War, while the US has bombed over 30 countries. How many countries is the US currently bombing?? Can’t answer? Who is the aggressor here? Who has refused to “talk” to North Korea? Who has threatened to use nuclear weapons repeatedly against North Korea?

Why can’t the US simply sit down and agree to bi-lateral talks? Is there a logical reason why this cannot be done? What is there to lose by such talks? This whole policy of antagonizing, instead of talking, is insane! We know its insanity; we don’t know if it is intentional rejection of diplomacy.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Not Yet Inaugurated, Already a New War

Set aside all feelings for Donald Trump, and reflect for a moment on the historical happenings of the last couple of months.

Early in the primary, Trump was the media darling, with non-stop coverage of everything he said or did.  He was constantly on media outlets, so much so, rivals in his own party started complaining of unfair coverage. They argued Trump was getting free air time, while they were excluded. To their point, Media Quant, a company that does media analysis, estimated that Trump had been given about 2 billion dollars' worth of free coverage by media outlets. 

Suddenly the honeymoon ended, and Trump went from media darling, to the devil incarnate. Media suddenly turned with vengeance on Mr. Trump, and his every move was analyzed and ridiculed. Some argue the turning point occurred, because media realized they had created a Frankenstein, and they might be, in part, responsible for a possible Trump victory, and were shocked at what they had done.

Further reflection on the precise “turning point” shows things dramatically changed and reversed, when Mr Trump expressed his sentiments about Russia. He insisted, he did not want a war with Russia, and he would move to “reset” US relations with Russia. That was the turning point, and from that day on he was subjected to relentless criticism and ridicule, by corporate media outlets. He was accused of being an unwitting tool of Putin. This was followed by a plethora of stories about his close relations with Russia, and the possible relationships members of his administration may or may not have had with Russia. Now there were two villains; Trump and Russia, and they were always depicted as more or less one in the same. The Russophobes were in full attack. Russia was their new scapegoat,  was vilified and called all kinds of nonsensical things, and was accused of all that is evil in the world. 

But Trump held fast and brushed aside most of the accusations and stood by his belief that better relations with Putin and Russia was a good thing. Things escalated, when accusations without proof were made and repeated by corporate media, that Russia had hacked the e-mails of the DNC, and interfered in the election to assist Trump in his victory. This story went viral despite the absence of any credible evidence. Journalism was thrown aside, and any rumor, accusation, based on no source or anonymous sources, circulated widely. Papers like the NYT and the Washington Post became shameless in their unfounded, unsubstantiated, repetition of rumors and accusations. It appeared  a modern-day witch hunt was in progress.

 Early on, the FBI would not go along with the intelligence agencies, but were eventually bullied into compliance. The intelligence agencies produced laughable reports and “proof” of their accusation, and still Mr Trump stuck to his belief that a better relationship with Russia is a good thing. Trump refused to knuckle under to the government, corporate media, and intelligence narrative. They got desperate and pulled out of their hat, a completely made up story about Trump’s sexual behavior, which was plastered and repeated all over mass corporate media for one day, until it was categorically and unequivocally proven to be a “fake” story, but the damage had been done.  BuzzFeed, who originally published the bogus report, after CNN announced it, got over 2 million reads, and no one knows how many times the story was read or heard on subsequent venues of the corporate media.  The damage had been done.  

The stakes have been vicariously raised with the leak of disinformation by the intelligence agencies. It was either a “leak”, or release of information, depending on your point of view. Formerly the military industrial complex, along with the support of neocons, the media, and intelligence agencies, had been trying to bring Trump into the “fold” of demonizing Russia and Putin. With this latest however, things have changed, with the goal of the Deep State (a collection of the above forces) apparently decided, to bring Mr Trump down.  The intelligence agencies have refined their trade of bringing down governments the past fifty years all over the world, and now have decided to take down our own. Far-fetched? Think about the whole thing, especially the time and sequence of events. Think about the timing of the latest “leak” of the fake bogus story of Mr. Trumps alleged exploits. It was “leaked”, and appeared just in time, for Mr Trumps first press conference. We are spectators to a historical battle between a President elect and the “Deep State”. Certainly, there have been many other such battles, but they have never erupted in open warfare with the intent of bringing down a sitting president. If this be true, continue to watch the constant dribble by corporate media, working in conjunction with the military industrial complex and the neocons, to undermine this President. Their goal is to render him useless by throwing so much adverse publicity at him, the public will demand his impeachment. Time will tell, but it is very apparent that the battle lines have been drawn. Will Trump fold and be beaten into submission by those powerful forces, and jump on  the demonizing Russia bandwagon, or will he continue to defy them? 

Some readers hate Mr trump so much they are probably wishing for his demise. I believe Trump is horrible, and in no way, would I ever support such a horrible person to be president, but put all that aside and ponder the happenings. Those who cannot put their emotional hard feelings aside should be very cautious about getting what you wish for. If those Deep State forces prevail, and run Trump out of town, what next? For Mr. Trump a bit of parting advice. Don’t be hanging around any grassy knolls.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Russian Hacking: The CIA Never Lies?

Be honest now. Did you believe the US intelligence agencies when they claimed it was a “Slam Dunk” Iraq had WMD? That bit of propaganda cost 5,000 American lives, and more than a million Iraqi lives. To make matters even more horrible, 600,000 children under 5 years old died because of brutal sanctions.

They sold that war using fake, distorted evidence, and outright lies, to support their need for a war. They even introduced “forged” documents from Niger to sell the war. Tragically the US public bought it, hook line and sinker, even though there were knowledgeable people who saw through the ruse.  Experts who knew the intelligence was baseless, were ignored by mainstream media, and the propaganda by government and its mouthpiece, mainstream media, went unchallenged. These intelligence agencies were the very same who did not foresee the fall of the Berlin wall until it was on the ground in pieces, nor did they see the destruction of the WTC until it too, was on the ground. And this would be the same CIA who this week, submitted a written apology to the Turkish government for making “false claims” about Turkey” oil trading with Daesh.

Now we are told the Russians interfered with our elections, but this time it is different. They don’t offer any evidence  or proof whatsoever, let alone fake evidence. Their claims are based on anonymous sources, unnamed sources, and terms like “consensus view”, with not a shred of absolute proof.  Based on the Iraq lies, they learned you can sell the US public anything, if you just keep repeating the lie. The “Big Lie” theory is alive and well today. If you repeat something enough, it becomes fact. The intelligence agencies refused to brief congress, and they refused to brief the electors before voting for President. Why?

There certainly are experts in the field who should know about the alleged hacking, but they are not allowed to disrupt mainstream media’s Russophobe frenzy. Bet you never saw William Binney on mainstream media.  Who is Binney?  He is the guy who put together the NSA’s elaborate worldwide surveillance system. He has publicly stated on alternative news sites, that if something was “hacked”, the NSA would instantly know who, when, and whether the info was passed on to another party.  He designed the system. He argues, there was no hacking for that very reason. Binney insists the e-mails had to have been leaked by an “insider” who had access to the data. Never heard him on mainstream media huh? Next comes Craig Murray a former US Ambassador who claims he knows who leaked the e-mails, because he met with the individual in Washington D.C. Never heard him on mainstream media either huh?  Finally, Julian Assange, the man who released the e-mails. He insisted all along he never got the e-mails from Russia.  Another no show on mainstream media. Whatever happened to the journalistic adage of going to the source? Assange is the source, but no mainstream media journalist, and I use the term very loosely, has ventured to speak with him. The accusation has been repeated countless times, without any evidence, or consulting with any of the above three experts.
Because the big lie has been repeated so many times by corporate media, about half of the US public, according to a recent poll, believes Russia interfered, even though there is not a bit of evidence to support it. Once again they take the bait; hook, line, and sinker.
For believers of Russian hacking, I offer the following analogy. It might, but I doubt it help, because you cannot undo the effect of propaganda.  You are put on trial for murder that you did not commit. The prosecutor and judge simply say they have reached a “consensus view”, the phrase offered by intelligence agencies, that you committed the murder and are guilty. You ask for proof. They offer none. They just keep repeating that you did it. You challenge and ask how do you know I did it? Answer: we have anonymous sources, but we cannot tell you who they are, nor can we show you proof. 

Just as in the fake run-up to the Iraq war, the expert voices of the opposition are not tolerated on mainstream media. Do these folks really want a war with Russia?  Are they so upset with Trump’s pronouncement that he wanted better relations with Russia?  What sane person would not?  Hmmm.
It appears there is a war already raging between the Russophobes, who do not want better relations with Russia, and are doing their best to smear and demonize Putin, and those who do. This is the same tactic used  with Manuel Noriega of Panama, Muarmar Gaddafi, and Saddam Hussein, before they made war on all three. Demonize, then make war.
Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me. Shame on those who buy into propaganda without any proof.

Think about it and use a little logic.