Russia and Putin, the Nonexistent Threat
Russia is fast becoming our latest bogyman with neocons, war
hawks, and a complicit corporate media, all beating the preliminary war drums,
rapidly convincing a duped public that the Russian threat is real. The record shows the Russian threat is
nonsense, but the record also shows there is a threat, not from Russia, but
from the US.
A couple of years ago the US was foaming at the mouth anticipating
being able to bomb Syria into oblivion, claiming as pretext Assad was using
chemical weapons. Once again the US was
using the tired argument that it was necessary to save the people by bombing
them. Ask the “people” of Libya, and
Iraq, and Yemen, if they felt saved by being bombed? We laid waste to Libya with 77 days of bombing
and devastated that country, along with the complete destruction of Iraq, and
now, with our invaluable assistance and weapons, we are doing likewise to
“save” the people of Yemen.
Our thirst to bomb Syria a few years ago was foiled by those
evil Russians, who stepped in diplomatically and got Assad to get rid of all Syria’s
chemical weapons. Those nasty Russians
would not let us have our bombing and prevented it by using diplomacy. Is that
why they now are our enemy?
Naturally we would not be stopped, and found the pretext to
bomb Syria anyway. Using ISIS as an
excuse, we are currently bombing Syria trying to usher in the same kind of
anarchy we brought to Iraq and Libya. Corporate media, shill mouthpiece of the
US government, would have you believe that the US is part of a world coalition
that is bombing Syria, when the fact is 99% of the bombing is done by the US
alone. In any case the end game is to reduce Syria to chaos, death,
destruction, and violence, which is well under way. Those nasty Russians are again interfering by
sending weapons to support the Assad regime.
It appears that our thirst to bomb, has forced the nasty Russians to
draw a line in the sand. They will
support Assad and not tolerate his overthrow by the US.
We now know, thanks to the Guardian and other UK news
outlets, but relatively unreported in the US, that apparently the Russians had
negotiated a deal in 2012, in which Assad would either share power or would
step down, but the deal was ignored and brushed aside by the US. Why?
Because we wanted to rain down anarchy on Syria by bombing it to
oblivion. We did not want a diplomatic solution, we wanted to bomb and cause
pure anarchy, which is what we are currently doing. Those nasty Russians were
diplomatically trying to prevent this from happening for the second time. They
could not stop our desire to bomb.
The US orchestrated a coup of a democratically elected
leader of the Ukraine and installed a US puppet, but blamed the next door
neighbor Russia for the troubles in the Ukraine. We also inflamed the US public
by accusing Russia of expanding by taking the Crimea by force, even though 99%
of Crimeans wanted to belong to Russia, and this was achieved not by invasion,
and not one single death in the Crimea. Corporate
media convinced the US public that Russia had invaded militarily, and taken over
the Crimea. Not so; there was no
invasion and not one person died in a popular turn to Russia by the people of
There are now various news reports that have the US planning
to place nuclear weapons to Germany. That’s right, nuclear weapons on Russia’s
front doorstep! First, how would you like it as a German citizen, and then how
you like it as a Russian living next door?
This is a provocative, foolish, dangerous, militarily aggressive act by
the US, but the media shills will depict the Russians as the bad guys.
So who is the aggressor nation? How many nations has Russia
bombed in the past 25 years? How many
nations has the US bombed in the past 25 years? Russia has 2 military bases
outside its borders, while the US has over 700. So which nation is the most
aggressive? The US has killed approximately 4-5 million people since 1963. How
many innocents has Russia killed during that time? The annual US military
budget is 10 times higher than Russia’s, so who is the aggressor nation? There
are US Special Forces operating in 81 foreign nations. Special Forces budget
has increased fivefold since 2001 and their numbers have doubled. So who is the aggressor nation? The US is
planning to deploy nuclear weapons to Germany, and since 1776 the US has been
at war for 93% of its history. The US with its bombings of 14 nations in the
Middle East, has unleashed one of the biggest refugee crises in human history
as people flee from US bombs and destruction.
So who is the aggressor; the US or Russia? Pay no attention to corporate
media, get your own facts.