The Policy Critic

Monday, March 02, 2015

The Bibi Circus Comes to Town

What am I missing here?  The leader of a rogue nation, who has refused to join the Nuclear Non- Proliferation Treaty, and who has many illegal nuclear weapons, including hydrogen bombs, is coming to the US to give a speech before the US Congress, in which he will attempt to sabotage talks between the US and Iran which are designed to insure Iran does not develop a nuclear weapon. What is wrong with this picture? If successful, Mr Netanyahu will have paved the way for yet another US war, this time with Iran. Just as he crashed the Charlie Hebdo parade in France despite not being invited, he now descends on the US Congress at the invitation of John Boehner who did not consult with the White House, and who clearly does not want Mr Netanyahu using the floor of the US Congress as a platform to destroy talks with Iran which would in effect pave the way for a war with Iran. Iran, coincidentally, is only about 200 miles from the border of Russia. So if Mr. Netanyahu gets his war, or that is, our war, I wonder what the Russians would do with the US bombing a friend of theirs less than 200 miles from their border, and at the same time with US military weapons being shipped into the Ukraine on Russia’s western border. I know what we would do were the situation reversed. Very frightening stuff for us. But Mr Netanyahu has his own agenda.   

Mr Netanyahu has done pretty much everything to destroy the talks to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, including appearing before the UN with his silly Wiley Coyote like cartoon, preaching that Iran is only months away from a nuclear weapon. Mr Netanyahu has been saying this same thing for over 15 years which would be comical were it not so serious.   Even his own intelligence agency, Mossad, has contradicted the claims of Netanyahu. 

Here are the facts. There has been no evidence to suggest that Iran has a nuclear weapon, or is doing anything to make a nuclear weapon.  Every intelligence report by the combined US intelligence services has stated, there is no evidence Iran is making a nuclear weapon. The IAEA, the agency designed to investigate any violation of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty has not found any evidence Iran is making a nuclear weapon, despite eyes on the ground, eyes in the sky, electronic surveillance, and the right to inspect any nuclear facility in Iran. The authoritative author Gareth Porter, the leading authority on Iran and nuclear weapons, has written a book entitled “Manufactured Crisis”, which rationally debunks all the accusations put forward by the likes of Netanyahu.
It is obvious from past statements, Netanyahu is obsessed with war with Iran. His past statements about Iran have been egregious and outrageous, and he would like nothing better for the US to do his dirty work by making war on Iran. 

It seems strange that a rogue nation, illegally armed with many nuclear weapons, should be lecturing others about stopping a nation from pursuing a nuclear weapon, despite the evidence that they are not trying to produce such a weapon.  It is very bizarre.

It is also a bit peculiar that Israel is the only nation in the Middle East who has blocked several attempts by the world community to insure the entire Middle East is a “nuclear free zone”. There have been several attempts to have the Middle East declared a “nuclear free zone” in the past, with the latest coming from Saudi Arabia and another coming from Iran.  All attempts to declare the Middle East “nuclear free” have been rejected dismissively by Israel or its protector, the US.  Such a position defies logic.

There are many facets in this whole charade that are impossible to comprehend, with the biggest being the willingness of Congress to sit there like puppets and listen to a man who is desperately trying to sabotage a treaty that would prevent the development of nuclear weapons.  Why would any member of Congress sit and listen to a foreign leader lecture the US, as to why it should reject a deal that would prohibit nuclear weapons?  Why would any member of Congress be willing to sit like puppets and listen to a foreign leader tell us, we should make war on Iran?  Only a handful have shown their own intelligence and have refused to attend the show, the others are wooden puppets, with no brains, and simply dance according to the whims of the puppet masters, the campaign donors.