Dumb and Dumber: The US Public and Congress
Boy are we stupid!
In the old days a bunch of guys got together to draw up a
new Constitution and came up with a brilliant ingenious document that has
proven to be effective and flexible; until we got stupid. The very bright
founders of this country could not build anything into the Constitution to protect
Americans from their own stupidity, and here we are. The founders, unlike us,
were smart enough to realize that power is dangerous, so they built into the Constitution
ways to limit power. They knew full well
for example, that it would be stupid and dangerous to allow just one person to
decide to make war, and so the smart founders made that impossible by insisting
that only the Congress can declare war. They couldn’t know just how stupid the
US population and Congress would become.
We and Congress have created a situation where one man can make war on
anyone for any reason, a frightening scenario in the eyes of the very smart
founders of this nation.
The current president, has taken full advantage of the power
we and Congress have stupidly given him, and has waged war by bombing 7
countries. This President is a former Noble Peace Prize winner so imagine what
is to come when a real “hawk” becomes president. Considering his predecessor
only bombed 4 countries, you can see how the power has expanded exponentially.
The founders must be rolling in their graves, disgusted that
all their intelligent work in writing a brilliant document is being torn to
shreds by dummies. But how did we become
so stupid so fast?
We have been frightened. We have been taught not to think,
read, or reason, on our own. We have been dumbed down by corporate media who
fills the airways with useless mind killing babble while acting as a parrot by merely
repeating the official government narrative of anything that happens. There is no adversarial relationship between
media and the political establishment.
They are buddies who take great delight in attending banquets and dinner
parties and rubbing elbows with one another.
Congress has played a major role in the usurpation of power
by the President by throwing up their hands in repeated acts of Constitutional
cowardice, letting Presidents have their way with his random bombing of
nations. Congress has become a pathetic
laughing stock and a sitting duck target for comics like John Stewart, Stephen
Colbert and John Oliver. Congress is
helpless, pathetic, and easy to pick on, so comics cannot resist and the
Congress deserves all the ridicule and laughter they get.
So take a look at your Congressional Delegation. Have any of
your House members of Senators called for a “declaration of War”, or are your
congress people like the Lion of OZ who lacked courage? Even though your
representatives to Congress had to swear an oath to defend the Constitution,
they repeatedly ran from the Constitutional battlefield and continually stick
their heads in the sand. So if they have abandoned the Constitution out of
cowardice and violated their most basic oath of office, why do you continue to
vote them back into office? Which brings us back to the “S” word again.