The Policy Critic

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Are you a Good American?

Are you a good American? If you are content with the fact that the President of the US can, at his discretion, have US citizens assassinated with no charges, no trial, and with the President serving as judge, jury, and executioner, you are not a good citizen. You do not deserve your citizenship. There are many Americans who do not even know the President has assumed this right, and with this in mind it might be time to reconsider a literacy test as a prerequisite for voting, for as someone once said “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”. Individuals who are not vigilant, and are unaware of what is happening around them, in terms of the constitution, should not be allowed to vote.

Many probably do not know that this president has already acted as an assassin, having killed American citizens, the most controversial of whom was a young American teenager killed along with several of his teenage friends while eating out. This young man was a natural born US citizen who grew up in Denver, never had any kind of police record, but was assassinated, along with others while never having been charged with any offense. The judge jury and executioner decided I guess, that this young boy should die, but never explained why. The administration has refused to discuss, or even admit its responsibility for this murder.

We know the administration has a list of “those to be assassinated”. We do not know who is on the list, how many are on the list, or why anyone is one the list. The administration argues it is not your right to know anything about this list. Democracy and secrecy are incompatible.

While every member of Congress takes a solemn oath: “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic”, before being seated as a Congressperson, they are spineless creatures who take the oath as a public relations gimmick only. Apparently there is not one of the 535 members with a spine, for if there were, impeachment charges would have brought.

Good Americans should reconcile the murder of a teenage US citizen with the constitution, which clearly states that: No person shall “be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”. So good citizens, since the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, can you justify or look the other way when a President so clearly tramples rights protected by the Constitution?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hillary Clinton--The Mouth that Roared

The main duty of the Secretary of State is to insure peace through the use of diplomacy. Secretaries of State are known to be artful and diplomatic in their conduct with other nations in an attempt to insure that cooler heads prevail and confrontation is avoided. That being said, Hillary Clinton should be fired, dismissed, or removed from office on the grounds she is the most bombastic Secretary of State the world has ever seen. Diplomacy requires tact, cajoling, persuasive language, and understanding. Clinton has none of these.

The latest outburst of bombastic language from the mouth of Ms. Clinton came a few days ago when she threatened Syria with a “catastrophic assault” that would smash the Syrian State. Real Secretaries of State are peacemakers and negotiators, unlike this one. Ms. Clinton has a long history of speaking, not as the nation’s chief diplomat, but as chief warmonger. Just last week, the chief peacemaker of the US threatened both Russia and China saying, they will “pay the price” for their position on the Syrian Civil War. Imagine threatening both Russia and China. Perhaps Ms. Clinton should take a quick look at the US debt holdings by China, which would tell her it is not only undiplomatic to threaten China but stupid.

Back in 2008 the mouth that roared, threatened to “obliterate Iran” and suggested using nuclear weapons to do so. Not satisfied, the next year the mouth threatened Iran again, saying, we would attack Iran “the way we did Iraq”. Still not satisfied in 2010 she threatened Iran with “painful consequences”. Diplomats do not use incendiary language, war makers do.

On her latest stop in Israel Ms. Clinton once again threatened Iran by saying the US would "use all elements of American power" to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. This implies nuclear devastation and that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon. Strange she would threaten to nuke Iran, if Iran tries to acquire nukes, and even stranger is the lack of one bit of credible evidence that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon. All 13 of the US intelligence agencies have said there is no nuclear weapons program or any evidence thereof, and the Israeli secret service has come to the same conclusion. Leon Panetta has said there is no nuclear weapons program, as well as the IAEA, which is in charge of the all of the world’s nuclear programs. No country in the world has been monitored more than Iran, yet not one scrap of evidence has been produced by anyone to prove the existence of a nuclear weapons program, but Hillary is apparently unaware of both what everyone else is saying and the facts. Warmongers use fear and falsehood to cause the tension needed create a war.

While on her latest world jaunt Ms. Clinton made of fool of herself by a displaying unparalleled ignorance, along with language completely inappropriate for a peacemaker, so Mr. Obama should immediately dismiss her for ignorance and language unbecoming a Secretary of State.