Warmongers fabricate the "Big One"
The war mongers are at it once again in their attempt to bring the US to war with Iran, this time with a laughable exotic plot, blaming Iran for an alleged attack on a Saudi Ambassador. Naturally the warmongers immediately call for war, which is just what this country needs, another endless war. The plot details are so amateurish and ridiculous that the rest of the word is laughing at the absurdity of the plan, and its “proof” is so full of holes it’s resembles a block of Swiss cheese. One must ask why are these warmongers so desperate for war with Iran? For years they have been trying to make the claim that Iran is trying to secretly produce nuclear weapons, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Now it appears they have given up on that attempt because there is not the slightest bit of proof to support the claim that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, and have resorted to their fairy tale plot in an attempt to provoke a war. Warmongers scream Iran must be held accountable.
For argument’s sake let’s assume the crazy warmongers are correct in their imbecilic plot. Would this be a reason for the US to rush to war?? How many readers recall the USS Vincennes shooting down an Iranian passenger airliner, Iran Air 655, in Iranian air space with the loss of 290 innocent passengers? After being caught in all kinds of lies and denials, the truth surfaced that this was a deliberate attack on a civilian passenger airliner with great loss of civilian life, most of whom were mothers and kids. Iranians will never forget news videos of rescuers plucking small dead children’s bodies from the sea. We of course moved on and forget the “incident” quickly. Could Iran legitimately declared war on the US for this attack and killing of 290 innocent civilians? Of course, but might makes right, so for fear of annihilation they did not declare war on the US. When the facts became public, to add insult to mass deaths, Vice President George H.W. Bush stated, "I'll never apologize for the United States of America. Ever. I don't care what the facts are." The US has never apologized for the mass killings. Were we held accountable?
Those pushing for war with Iran are the same crowd who brought us to war with Iraq with lies such as WMD, Yellow-cake, and mushroom clouds over the US. As Yogi Berra said: “It’s deja vu all over again.”
When warmongers attempt to create war fever and hysteria with their lies and fabrications, pause and ask, who are these people pushing so hard for a war with Iran? What is their motive and most importantly when the warmongers insist on war, stop and ask: Cui Bono?? Do you really want another endless war?