The Policy Critic

Monday, October 12, 2009

Don't Drink the Iranian Kool-Aid

Readers beware; we are being taken for a ride. The same people that falsified information and led us to war with Iraq are now doing the same with Iran. The war advocates told us it was a “Slam Dunk” that Iraq had WMD and was a threat to the US with it tons of chemical and biological weapons, and Colin Powell gave a UN report which turned out to be totally false. We drank the Kool-Aid and found ourselves in a war that cost over 4,000 Americans lives, and claimed about 1.2 million Iraqis.

The same folks who gave us the Iraqi Kool-Aid are offering you Iranian Kool-Aid. The idea that Iran is a threat to the US or Israel, is ludicrous. Iran is completely surrounded by US bases in Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan,, Turkmenistan, Bahrain, Uzbekistan, US Persian Gulf Navel fleet, and Israel with its illegal nuclear arsenal of between 200-400 nuclear weapons.

Although Iran is the most closely observed, regulated, monitored, nation in the world, with human inspectors, intensive electronic surveillance by the International Atomic Energy Agency, and US satellites observing activity in Iran, not one shred of evidence has been found by the IAEA, or the US intelligence agencies that Iran is developing nuclear weapons.

The National Intelligence Estimate concluded that Iran gave up is nuclear weapons program in 2003, and Mr. El Baradei, head of the IAEA, has said there is no evidence whatsoever that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon, while the new incoming leader of the IAEA, Yukiya Amano, recently said that he has not seen any hard evidence that Iran is trying to develop atomic weapons. Both have been ignored.

The latest controversy is over the “secret” facility to enrich uranium. According to the initial Nuclear Non Proliferation Agreement, Iran need not notify the IAEA of such construction until the facility is 6 months from completion. It will be completed in about one year and Iran, according to the rules, has agreed to allow access by inspectors.

The entire matter of nuclear weapons could be resolved if the US and Israel would agree to a treaty establishing a “Nuclear Free Middle East Zone”. The US and Israel have been the only two nations to balk at the idea, effectively killing the notion each time it has been floated over the last few years. Three weeks ago, but not covered by mainstream media, the UN nuclear assembly voted 100-1 to support the idea of a Nuclear Free Middle East. Israel was the only nation voting against the idea and the US abstained. What is wrong with a Nuclear Free Middle East?

The hypocrisy against Iran would be laughable were it not leading to war. While talking about possibly attacking Iran, who according to US intelligence and the IAEA has no nuclear weapons program, we ignore the elephant in the room (Israel) with an illegal nuclear arsenal. Israel has refused to participate in the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and has refused to allow any inspectors into their nation, but clamors the loudest for an attack on Iran. On 10/4/09 Mr. El Baradei said: "Israel is number one threat to Middle East". His statement was not reported by mainstream media. Additionally both Pakistan and India have nuclear weapons and do not belong to the NPT, nor have they allowed any inspections while we look the other way.

Iran is in the cross hairs just as was Iraq, and is being put in the same impossible situation. We demanded that Iraq prove they had no WMD, while now demanding that Iran prove they do not have a nuclear weapons program, likewise an impossible task.

So the Kool-Aid is being forced down your throat by war mongers; I urge you not to drink it. Do we really need another endless war?
