Puzzling Questions on Kosovo
As one who supports the concepts of freedom, independence, and the right of self determination, I am puzzled by the reaction of the world’s major nations to the declaration of independence that recently came from Kosovo.
First to recognize the independent new nation was the US, who you may recall initiated a 78 day brutal bombing of Serbian infrastructure including bridges, schools, hospitals, trains, farms, communications and water systems, in an effort to help the people of Kosovo secure their freedom.
Next the French stepped forward to welcome the independence of Kosovo, and the British were also prompt to congratulate the newly independent Kosovo.
But wait!
In 1861 when South Carolina and other southern states seceded from the US, the federal government argued that states did not have the right to declare their independence, and the bloodiest war in the history of the nation was fought to prevent a section of the US from gaining independence. During the bloody conflict the US begged foreign nations not to recognize the independence of the Confederate states of America. Imagine our horror if another nation decided to bomb us for 78 days during our civil war?
When the Philippines demanded their independence from the US at the turn of the last century, a brutal war occurred that dragged on for years causing the deaths of unknown thousands while US troops employed water boarding. Why did we not rush to recognize and grant Philippine independence?
France, a former great colonial empire was shocked when its colony of Algeria declared their independence from France in 1954. The French refused to grant independence and fought a brutal war from 1954-1962, doing everything in its power to kill the concept of independence. The French were extremely cruel and estimates suggest as many as one million died in the struggle for independence. At the end of a brutal war, France finally agreed to recognize Algerian Independence. Why did France refuse to grant Algeria independence?
But wait! Fast forward to the 1992 Algerian elections when no party gained a majority and a runoff election was required by law. When it became apparent that Islamists would win the upcoming democratic election the army stepped forward to cancel the elections, and the Algerian army was given a wink and a nod by the US government. So much for self determination!
Great Britain congratulated the people of Kosovo upon claiming their independence, but it was Great Britain who killed hundreds of thousands of Irish who wanted, struggled and fought for their independence for hundreds of years?? Wasn’t it Great Britain who resisted the breakup of its world colonial empire with incredible brutality in India and other places around the world?
So the great powers who slaughtered millions in an effort to stifle independence around the world, now champion the people of Kosovo. I am confused! Have the great powers, enlightened by the concept of independence, changed their ways, or do they have a sinister motive?