An Act Of Aggression????????
The recent incident off Iran with three small Iranian speedboats committing an alleged act of aggression (frighteningly similar to the 1964 Tonkin Gulf alleged incident that led to the deaths of 57,000 US soldiers) against the US navy, needs comment. We now know of course that the infamous Iranian video presented by the Pentagon was altered, and a voice was dubbed into the video, but that aside I offer the following for your memory.
Do readers recall the destruction of Flight IR 655, an Iranian commercial jet loaded with 294 civilians, mostly women and children by the US navy? Most Americans have long forgotten it, but rest assured the Iranian families of the 294 will never forget. This commercial jet was shot down by missiles launched from the USS Vincennes, destroying a passenger liner on a regularly scheduled flight. First the US insisted it thought it was being attacked by the Airbus 300 and responded, and then the US said it was confused and thought the passenger liner (Airbus 300) was an F-15. The Vincennes was a highly sophisticated electronic surveillance ship and hardly could it confuse an Airbus 300 with an F-15. That would be like you confusing a mouse with an elephant. To add insult to death, the Captain of the Vincennes was given the Legion of Merit medal for (for killing 294 civilians????) and President Reagan refused to apologize for any action committed by his country. Iranians will never forget nightly news videos of children's bodies being recovered from the sea.
So Bush has warned against the "act of aggression" and threatened serious consequences if it occurs again. An "act of aggression"???????