Gutless Washington Press Corp and the Middle East
The President rejected the Baker recommendation of face to face talks with Iran and Syria saying we would not talk with them because "they are fomenting violence in the Middle East" while the loyal Washington Press Corps sat there without question.
Not one reporter pointed out to the President that we illegally invaded Iraq with 150,000 foreign forces suffering almost 3000 US deaths and 20,000 seriously wounded. Nor did any reporter point out that according a John Hopkins University study (extremely scientific) we have killed 650,000 innocent Iraqis, nor did any reporter point out that 3,000 Iraqis per day are fleeing their country, nor did any reporter point out that we have completely destroyed the nations infrastructure, and not one reporter pointed out that Iraq is suffering the equivalent of one 9/11 every month. The loyal press corps allowed the President to blame others for the violence without comment.