Neocon March to the Next War
The neocons with their willing soldiers, the media, are on the march toward another war; this time with Iran. Using the tactic of “saturation bombing”, the media outlets are barraging the American public with frantic stories of Iran’s unwillingness to do the bidding of the neocon cabal. Hundreds of anti-Iranian stories permeate the media, all with the goal of creating the newest “monster” that must be stopped by any means. The scare tactics used so successfully by the neocons and the media to create the last “monster,” are hard at work using what proved to be so successful in the past. Half truths, lies, distortions, and “dissident” Iranians sources, are being used to confirm your worst fears. Recall the truthfulness of the last “dissident source” in the run up to the war with Iraq, and notice how the two confirming source rule, has been ignored by the media to soften the American public to the need for war.
Least we forget amid the frenzy, Iran has done nothing wrong. It voluntarily stopped its nuclear program pending a permanent agreement. When a permanent agreement could not be worked out Iran resumed its program under the watchful eye of the International Atomic Energy Agency. Everything is monitored and supervised by that watchdog agency and Iran is only doing what it is legally allowed to do in accordance to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. The agreement that the EU attempted to force on Iran would deny to Iran what the three bargaining member of the EU have now had for years. France, for example, produces about 70% of its electricity though nuclear energy, but is telling Iran they do not have this right. Iran exists in one of the more hostile places on earth, and its neighbors India, Pakistan, and Israel all have huge nuclear programs. The US has labeled Iran a member of the “axis of evil” and has threatened to use nuclear weapons on Iran. The last “axis of evil” member has been attacked, invaded, and occupied, and reduced to anarchy by the US, and with an American army of 130,000 camped next door it might make Iranians a bit more secure with deterrent weapons.
Unfortunately when the neocons get their war with Iran, it will not be their children who die; only your children are good enough for that kind of sacrifice. A war with Iran will only turn into a world conflagration unlike any other. This will be the third Muslim nation in three years to be set upon by the neocons, and this will force the Muslim world into retaliation. Clearly a world war with the Muslim world has been the goal of the neocons all along, and with their willing soldiers the media, have convinced the American public that Muslims everywhere are evil. This impending war which will precipitate world wide revenge and bombings will insure your children’s children will pay in blood for the sins of the neocons. In no way is a war with Iran good for America or its people, but neocons are in fact very un-American, and simply use the blood of good Americans to fulfill their agenda.
Answer the following:
Why is Iran not allowed to have one nuclear weapon when we have 6,000?
Why do we subsidize China to go nuclear but insist Iran cannot?
Why is the greatest proliferator of nuclear information (Pakistan), our good friend?
Why is Israel, our other good friend, allowed to have 300 nuclear weapons, and refuse to join or participate in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty?
Why is Iran, a signer and member of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation treaty, subjected to rigorous inspections while our good friend Israel has neither signed nor participated?
If you were in Iran’s place and had been labeled as part of an “axis of evil” by a President who illegally attacked the last member of the “axis of evil” and who has threatened to use nuclear weapons against you, would you feel a bit safer with some nuclear weapons of your own?
Why is the media obsessed with Iran’s attempts to go nuclear and is equally obsessive about avoiding the fact that Israel is the 5th largest nuclear nation in the world and not subjected to any inspections or verification?
What is the real agenda of the neocon cabal who have the President’s undivided attention?