Saturday, April 30, 2016

Shooting a 12-Year-Old in a Playground and Bombing Hospitals Are Strongly Related

How is it possible that a hospital is bombed, killing 42 people, including doctors and 2 children burned alive in their beds, and no one is held accountable, punished or admitted to any wrongdoing? How is it possible that a policeman arrives at a playground, and in less than 2 seconds shoots and kills a 12-year-old, and no one is held accountable?  The officer, who had been terminated from another police force for an inability to use firearms, is still on the job after killing a 12-year-old. No one will be charged, tried, or held accountable in any way.  No one has admitted to any wrongdoing. How is it possible that a 12-year-old in a playground is shot dead in two seconds, and authorities say no one did anything wrong? How is that possible?  Let that be your 12-year-old, and have them say no one did anything wrong.  How did we get here?

This country has dramatically changed its core beliefs since conception.  Most Americans are unaware the founding fathers feared, and did not want, a standing military. They were steeped in history and knew full well that strong militaries historically eventually use their power against their own, and the founders fought bitterly over whether there should be any army at all.  It was the most bitter argument in the constitutional convention, but finally a small military was created out of fear that Britain would yet again try to reconquer the colony. The military however, was loathed by clear thinkers and viewed as a necessary evil that had to be closely watched, contained, and monitored.
Today, citizens who have no concept of human history, revere the military. Every sporting event has a salute to the military. We have “flyovers” and the like, which the founders would have loathed. You have been led to believe the military is a good thing, and you should honor the troops, which would be the last thing the founders would have ever dreamed.

So that said, here we are.  Last October, the US bombed a hospital in Kanduz Afghanistan, lied about it, but because of overwhelming evidence, grudgingly admitted it, but called it a mistake. The hospital had given their exact GPS coordinates to the military many times, and had a huge hospital insignia on the roof, but that didn’t mean a thing to the US military. The hospital, after the initial bombing, contacted the US military and told them the hospital was being bombed, yet the attack continued for another 45 minutes. Fleeing innocents were staffed. The military made up another pretext, saying there were fighters in the hospital, which also was proven to be false. The Hospital and the Afghan government wanted an independent investigation, which the US blocked. We said “we” will investigate ourselves.  Guess what they found.  It was simply a mistake; no one was charged, tried or severely punished. This, by the way, is not an isolated event.  The US has bombed several hospitals in the past, including a pediatric hospital in Iraq. Once might be an accident, but when there is a history of “accidents”, there is something wrong. Schools have been bombed, entire wedding parties have been obliterated and incinerated. All said to be “accident’s”, while at the same time bragging about how “smart” our bombs are.  No one is ever held accountable for any of these countless horrific murders. The military is now viewed with awe, years of groundwork have paved the way for the glorification of the military, and they are held high above any kind of law. They can do no wrong. But what happens to, for example a school teacher who puts his /her hands a child.  Fired immediately and charged in court, as it should be. But police and the military can kill innocents, and not be held accountable.

Meanwhile, back to the playground where the 12-year-old was gunned down by a renegade policeman. Our reverence for the military has carried over to anyone who wears a uniform.  Most police recruits have a military background, have military weapons, and use military tactics against their own citizens.  They can do no wrong; i.e. shooting down a 12-year-old and not being held accountable in any way.  This too is not an isolated example; just follow the Black Lives Matter movement for a few minutes, and you will conclude blacks are just targets. A young man is simply walking down a stairwell, having done absolutely nothing wrong, and is gunned down by a policeman and no one is held accountable. An elderly man in CT accidentally triggered his Life Alert; the police show up, break down his door and shoot him to death many times, and no one is held accountable. A man is shot in cold blood while walking down a street having committed no crime. He is shot not just once, but 11 times.  A man is shot 41 times by police in NYC; no one did anything wrong. Space prevents me from continuing with the senseless slaughter by police. They are however, viewed as an extension of the military, and so, like the military, can do no wrong.  How far we have strayed!  Too bad we have no appreciation for the history of mankind and the history of military forces.

The military is so worshiped it consumes most of the available tax money, so while cutting every social program possible, the military budget is increased every year.  We spend more on the military and security than the rest of the world put together, while slashing all programs for people and infrastructure. We have forgotten history and foolishly glorify the military. This writer will undoubtedly be disparaged for disliking the military, which proves the point of this article.
Next time you watch a sporting event and see a “flyover” by machines that are designed to kill, stop and ask yourself: What is the possible connection between a sporting event and a “flyover” by killing machines?  The answer is simple.  There isn’t any, but it does reinforce the concept of reverence for the military.

Most argue that “our” military will never use its power on its own people. Do you see what the police are doing?  We are close. Where does it say the US military is an exception to all of human history?


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