Boston Marathon Bomber Gets Death, So Why Not Death for all Bombers?
The Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was sentenced
to death, despite the requests of the victim’s families. In light of this
nation’s history, this is no surprise.
We are the most violent country to ever inhabit the planet. Consider in our
early history we exterminated and ethnically cleansed the Native Americans from
this county, and then followed up by turning to blacks and enslaving their entire
race, and in the course of many years killed hundreds of thousands, and no one
was ever held accountable. But Tsarnaev will be killed. Currently police are
allowed to kill blacks pretty freely, as in Baltimore by severing the spine of
Freddy Brown, while in Cleveland police killed a 12 year old in a playground in
less than 2 seconds after getting out of their police car. When the end of WWII approached we used
atomic bombs, not once but twice, on civilian cities, which, according to many
historians was totally unneeded. We
justified our mass murder of civilians by saying the bombs were dropped to quickly
end the war, but the Japanese were already quite willing to surrender, yet we
had to cloak our dropping of atomic bombs as a humanitarian effort to save
lives. Duhh!!
Thankfully we are the only country in the world who has been
willing to use nuclear weapons. In addition we have threatened many nations
around the world with nuclear weapons, and in light of our history those
threats must be taken seriously.
Then we moved into South Vietnam for no good reason but on trumped
up accusations much like the WMD of Iraq. That war finally ended with the loss of
57,000 Americans, but also cost the lives of about 3 million people in Southeast
Asia. For what I ask? Why did we make war on Vietnam and the other
nations of Southeast Asia? What was gained in the killing of over 3 million
people? Who was held accountable for 3 million deaths? Tsarnaev killed 3, but will be killed for his
Then the endless war parade marched into Iraq and Afghanistan
on more bogus claims. Most Americans after more than 10 years of war on Afghans
and more than 20 years of war and bombing Iraq, can’t find either on a map. But
the killing continues in both countries. Not being able to locate either
country on a map is one thing, but ask the average American why we are fighting
in in either Afghanistan or Iraq and you cannot get a reason for either. But
the killing goes on. Well over one million people in Iraq have died as a result
of a vicious attack on that nation over many years. Four presidents have seen
fit to bomb and kill Iraqis. Numbers of deaths in Afghanistan are hard to
assess but a conservative guess would be 21,000 civilians.
Tsarnaev killed 3 and will be put to death, while in Iraq
and Afghanistan we have killed millions with bombs and no one is accountable.
Recently we reduced Libya to dust and anarchy with 7
consecutive months of bombing and are now bombing someone in Syria on a regular
basis. We have encouraged the Saudis with their bombing of Yemen and provided
that nation with “cluster bombs”, called
“Weapons from hell”, and outlawed by more than 100 counties, the US not one of
them. In addition, we have given the
Saudi’s their targeting information and have provided midair refueling to their
bombers. Since 9/11 we have bombed 14 countries. But all these bombs and all
these deaths do not seem to count as much as the one Boston Marathon bomb which
took 3 lives; how come?
So back to Tsarnaev. Is it really a surprise that we would
kill him? No, because that’s what we as a nation do. We kill. If he is to be held
accountable for the deaths of 3 people, shouldn’t someone be held responsible
for the 3 million deaths in Southeast Asia by our bombs? Shouldn’t someone be
held accountable for the more than one million dead Iraqis, and the bombing of that
country for more than 20 years? How about the extermination of Native
Americans? Was no one held accountable for the enslavement of an entire race of
people? Why is Tsarnaev being held
accountable for his bombing, while others are not? Three million dead in Southeast
Asia and over one million dead due to bombs in Iraq, and no one has, or will,
be held accountable? Some would argue that the Marathon bomb killed innocents.
What crime I ask, did the 3 million in Southeast Asia, or the one million in
Iraq, or the countless numbers of innocents in Libya, Syria, and Afghanistan
commit? The US as bombed 8 separate weddings parties in Afghanistan killing
hundreds. Thinking about the content of the note Tsarnaev left in the boat
before his capture might be instructive.
He wrote: “The US government is killing innocent civilians…. Stop
killing our innocents and we will stop”. Is there really a difference between
killing innocents at a road race vs a wedding? If bombs kill, then shouldn’t
all bombers be punished equally?
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