On the Precipice of Nuclear War
Corporate media’s misleading information on the Ukraine is
bizarre, incomplete, not factual, and designed to bring about yet another
war. It’s the run-up to Iraq all over
again. By their standards Putin is a monster, has invaded Kiev, and has an insatiable
appetite for war. Compare the number of nations the US has bombed with that of
Russia. Compared to the US they are a passive nation, which media refuses to
disclose. What is truly frightening is the very distinct possibility of a
nuclear confrontation between Russia and the US, a fact also completely ignored
by corporate media. It is time for some relevant information on the Ukraine
before the insane deciders bring us to a nuclear confrontation with Russia, which
we all know no one wins.
For almost two centuries the US has insisted on enforcing
the Monroe Doctrine in this hemisphere, and no major US politician would dare
to suggest it is illegal or invalid. All
would say it is America’s right to maintain control of this hemisphere in order
to protect ourselves. Why then does
Russia not have the right to keep foreign powers from its borders, just as the
US? The US, through its puppet NATO, has forced its way to the very doorstep of
Russia, even though after the fall of the Soviet Republic, we agreed not to
expand into any of the former Soviet states.
We completely reneged on that promise, another unreported fact by
corporate media, and encircled Russia in Eastern Europe with weapons and bases. Remember how swiftly the US risked nuclear
war with Russia over the Cuban Missile Crises?? Imagine how Russia feels with
the endless NATO military bases right at Russia’s door. In 2008 the Russians bluntly told the US they
would not tolerate further expansion into their sphere of influence, but the US
completely disregarded that warning.
In an attempt to capture the Ukraine, the US poured 5
billion dollars into anti Ukraine government organizations, then picked a new
leader, and when the European’s called for restraint, Victoria Nuland, the foul
mouthed US ambassador eloquently insulted them with her infamous quote: “F----
the Europeans”. A coup of a democratically elected leader of the Ukraine was
orchestrated and assisted by the US, and Ms. Nuland’s champion, Yatsenyuk, (“Yatz
is our man”) emerged from the coup as the new US puppet. Neocons who planed
this, were shocked that all Ukrainians would not accept our handpicked leader
of the illegal government which is backed by neo Nazis and fascists. Seems
Ukrainians believed they should have a say and were reluctant to accept Ms.
Nuland’s man as their leader. A civil war occurred and the US bears much
responsibility for it by meddling and orchestrating an overthrow of a
democratically elected leader in Russia’s back yard.
According to German intelligence, over 50,000 people have
been killed in their civil war and now the neocon warmongers and Mr. Obama, the
neocon puppet, is preparing to arm the illegal government against those who
resist and want self-determination. Mr. Obama says they are facing “separatist’s
aggression”, a phrase I assume he would apply to the “Minutemen” of New England
and the “Sons of Liberty” who led the American Revolution fighting for our freedom.
Europe has finally realized decision makers in the US are quite
willing to get us into a nuclear war, and have stepped back. While the US most likely will send weapons to
the illegal government in the Ukraine, all other sane nations have ruled that
out, a fact ignored by corporate media. Germany, France, and others have flatly said no
to sending arms, and most credible experts (not politicians) have warned
against arming Kiev. It remains to be seen if the US can impose its will and
drag Europe into this conflict. They seemingly have realized neocons don’t care
about a nuclear war with Russia, and are now independently seeking a diplomatic
solution, much to the disappointment of the US.
We don’t like diplomacy, we like war. Recall recently, how disappointed
we were when those pesky Russians managed to get Assad of Syria to give up all
his chemical weapons (that Russian aggression yet again) when we were prepared
to bomb them into oblivion. Russia frustrated the US, who prefers bombs to
Former leader of the Soviet Union, Nobel Peace Prize winner,
and one time media darling, Mikhail Gorbachev, recently warned in the German
publication Spiegel: “A war
of this kind would unavoidably lead to a nuclear war.” “We won’t survive the
coming years if someone loses their nerve in this overheated situation.” “This
is not something I’m saying thoughtlessly. I am extremely concerned.”
Want a war with Russia? Want a nuclear war? Better do
something. The inmates are running the asylum!
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