Sunday, December 30, 2007

Blowback in Pakistan

“Blowback”, a term meaning unintended consequences of a foreign policy, is evident in Pakistan, and the US is largely responsible for the Pakistani turmoil.

The US has supported and propped up a very unpopular military dictator for the past eight years by giving him billions to strengthen his military and maintain his power. Despite polls indicating that almost 70% of the Pakistani people want Musharraf to leave the country, we have continued to insure his presence. Pakistanis are well aware the only reason Musharraf survives is because of US financial backing, and he is seen as another US stooge. Strong anti- American hatred has developed among Pakistanis for our continued support of their dictator, while preaching democracy to the world. Extremists in Pakistan have become the leaders of the anti- Musharraf anti-American resistance. The US refers to these extremists as Al Quada, but they are haters of the US government for maintaining a military dictator in their country. There have been five attempts to assassinate Musharraf, and at one point he was guarded by US personnel because he could not trust his own people.

The extremists tapped into the anti-American, anti Musharraf hatred, and unrest has prevailed in Pakistan over the past 6 months. Apparently the US finally figured that the dictator could not survive indefinitely and so US administration went to plan B. Benazir Bhutto living in exile was selected to be the next leader of Pakistan by the US government, and she was coaxed out of exile and promised US support if she would return to lead her nation. Her fate was sealed when Condoleezza Rice finally persuaded Bhutto to return to Pakistan because it was seen as American régime change. Pakistanis were unwilling to trade one US stooge for another and some apparently decided to eliminate Bhutto.

Because the US has backed a dictator who suspended the constitution, arrested rivals, censored media, and imprisoned thousands, anti-American hatred in Pakistan is “blowback”. The assassination of Bhutto is just another unintended consequence of a failed foreign policy and unfortunately now things could really get out of control in Pakistan.

Isn’t it about time the US citizens pay attention to foreign policy, and force administrations to be moral and democratic around the world?


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