Sunday, September 14, 2014

Martha’s Easiest and Best Recipe for World Disaster

Bomb Libya into oblivion creating chaos, lawlessness, and a failed state.

Pour in quickly weapons and yeast and watch the radical extremists “rise” to get control of most of Libya.

Add heavy weapons to the civil war in Syria insuring more bloodshed and anarchy.

Sponsor Al-Qaida like groups and even worse, with weapons to fight Assad in Syria.

Support our friend’s merciless bombing of Gaza and send them new fresh bombs when our friends run low, thus insuring more killing.

Add to the mix the killing of over 500 children in Gaza.

In a separate bowl add the most brutal sanctions ever imposed on any country in the world—Iraq.
Have those sanctions kill over 650,000 children in Iraq. 

Intensify the hatred by having the Secretary of State say on worldwide TV, that she thought the sanctions were worth it, enraging the world and the parents of 650,000 dead children.  

Add slowly, 20 years of no-fly zones and random bombings of that country.

Add two invasions of Iraq including one heaping large cup of “Shock and Awe”

Help induce sectarian hatred in Iraq.

Add a puppet dictator in Iraq and back him 500 million dollars of weapons which are now controlled by extremists.

Insure that dictator is a racist who hates Sunni Arabs.

Unleash drones and wipe out at least 7 entire wedding parties in Afghanistan and Pakistan. 

Kill more than one million people in Iraq for no legitimate reason.

Have drones kill innocent civilians in Yemen, Somalia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.

When your recipe turns out to be a disaster Martha offers a hint.

Martha’s pointer. Your recipe failed because when you creates chaos, confusion, lawlessness, and you add weapons of all kinds to completely failed states, extremist elements always emerge to take control.

Out of the failed recipe you get ISIS, ISL, while many other radical extremist groups join the fray to get control and seek revenge.

Martha insists the cause of the failed recipe is basic cooking knowledge, and anyone capable of boiling water should know this.

 What to do now that the recipe or the policy is a disaster??

Add more bombs, weapons, and killing, which by the way, is not Martha’s suggestion. Her suggestion is to fire the failed cooks and get more intelligent ones.


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