Sunday, March 20, 2011

Does Bradley Manning deserve death?

Should Bradley Manning die for allegedly leaking documents to the US public? He is now charged with aiding the enemy, but the government cannot tell you who the enemy is. Are you OK with this logic? The Pentagon routinely leaks information to media outlets all the time. Should they die? Some in the administration argue that Manning’s offense is different because his alleged leak endangered lives, but government officials concede that no one has died due to the leak. So who should die? Take the time to watch the short version of the video that Manning allegedly leaked at and decide. Do you have the right to know this? Did those in the video deserve death? Did the “Good Samaritan” deserve death? Did the two children deserve their fate? Why does the US government not want you see this? Who should be put to death; Manning, who released the video because he thought it morally repugnant and believed you and I had a right to see what was done in our name, the people who pulled the trigger and committed mass murder, or those who gave the order? Are we all, by our silence, guilty of being accessories to murder?


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